Acronym | Definition |
OBS➣Observation (Groundwater Modeling Systems) |
OBS➣Observer |
OBS➣Organization(al) Breakdown Structure |
OBS➣Open Broadcaster Software (live streaming software) |
OBS➣Observed |
OBS➣Obviously |
OBS➣Obsolete |
OBS➣Obstacle |
OBS➣Ocala Breeders Sales |
OBS➣Olympic Broadcasting Services (International Olympic Committee) |
OBS➣Olin Business School (Washington University; St. Louis, MO) |
OBS➣Obstruction (baseball) |
OBS➣Ocean Bottom Seismic |
OBS➣Orange Business Service (France Telecom) |
OBS➣Openbare Basisschool |
OBS➣Oita Broadcasting System (Japan) |
OBS➣Office of Biological Services (US FWS) |
OBS➣Object Script |
OBS➣Output Based Specification |
OBS➣Oracle Balance Scorecard |
OBS➣on Board Switching |
OBS➣On-Board System (US Air Force) |
OBS➣Optical Burst Switching (IEEE) |
OBS➣Orange Blossom Special |
OBS➣Organic Brain Syndrome |
OBS➣Off Balance Sheet |
OBS➣Ocean Bottom Seismometer |
OBS➣Océ Business Services (New York, NY) |
OBS➣Online Business Systems (Canada) |
OBS➣Outward Bound School |
OBS➣Office of Boating Safety (Canadian Coast Guard) |
OBS➣Online Banking Solutions (various locations) |
OBS➣Outward Bound Sabah (educational organization; Sabah, Malaysia) |
OBS➣Operation Black Swan (US DoD) |
OBS➣Omni Bearing Selector |
OBS➣Other Basic Sciences |
OBS➣Olbrich Botanical Society (Madison, WI) |
OBS➣Outward Bound Singapore |
OBS➣Out of the Box Search (software) |
OBS➣Outdoor Base Station (wireless networking solution) |
OBS➣Obstructive Bowel Syndrome |
OBS➣Open Bidding Service (Canada) |
OBS➣Orlando Ballet School (Florida, USA) |
OBS➣Old Black Spruce |
OBS➣On-Board Stability |
OBS➣Optical Back Scatter (class of turbidity sensors) |
OBS➣Osaka Bible Seminary (Japan) |
OBS➣Oily Bird Syndrome |
OBS➣On-Board Service |
OBS➣Out-of-Band Signaling |
OBS➣Oxford Biosignals Ltd |
OBS➣Online Billing Services (various companies) |
OBS➣Operational Bioinstrumentation System |
OBS➣Old Brown Sherry |
OBS➣old body style (automotive) |
OBS➣Okasan Business Service Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
OBS➣Operation Boat Smart |
OBS➣Optical Biopsy System |
OBS➣On-Board Switching |
OBS➣Obligation à Bons de Souscriptions |
OBS➣Off Bore Sight |
OBS➣Office Based Sales |
OBS➣OSIS Baseline System |
OBS➣On-Base Average and Slugging percentage (baseball statistic) |
OBS➣On Board Spares |
OBS➣Out of Balance Switch |