Linux Network Administrators' Guide

Linux Network Administrators' Guide

(NAG) A book on setting up and running Unix networks. NAGis freely available in electronic form. It was produced byOlaf Kirch, and others as part of theLinux Documentation Project with help from O'Reilly and Associates.

It includes the following sections: Introduction toNetworking, Issues of TCP/IP Networking, Configuring theNetworking Hardware, Setting up the Serial Hardware,Configuring TCP/IP Networking, Name Service and ResolverConfiguraton, Serial Line IP, The Point-to-Point Protocol,Various Network Applications, The Network Information System, The Network File System, Managing Taylor UUCP,Electronic Mail, Getting smail Up and Running,Sendmail+IDA, Netnews, C News, A Description of NNTP,Newsreader Configuration, Glossary, Annotated Bibliography.

FTP from UNC.FTP from MIT.