Obote, Apollo Milton
Obote, Apollo Milton
(ōbō`tā), 1924–2005, president of Uganda (1966–71, 1980–85). Obote, a member of the legislative council of Uganda from 1957, founded (1960) the Uganda People's Congress. Prime minister from 1962 to 1966, he led a revolution, installing himself as president in 1966. Overthrown by Idi AminAmin, Idi, c.1925–2003, Ugandan army officer and dictator. From the small Kakwa ethnic group, he advanced in the Ugandan armed forces from private (1946) to major general (1968). In 1971 he seized control of the government, toppling the regime of Milton Obote.
..... Click the link for more information. in 1971, Obote fled to Tanzania. He returned with the Tanzanian-aided invasion (1979) and was reelected (1980) amid accusations of fraud. Factionalism led to an army coup in 1985 in which he was ousted a second time, and he again went into exile.