Metallogenic Maps

Metallogenic Maps


geological maps that show the distribution pattern of ore deposits in connection with characteristics of the geological structure of a locality.

Metallogenic maps are divided by scale into three groups: general or small-scale (from 1:500,000 and smaller), medium-scale (1:200,000–1:100,000), and large-scale (1:50,000–1:25,-000). A map of the formations of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks that arise in sequence during the transformation of geosynclines into folded regions and platforms is the geological basis for general metallogenic maps. In addition, medium-scale maps show large folded and ruptured tectonic structures. Large-scale metallogenic maps are made to show the age and composition of rocks and all important tectonic structures.

Mineral deposits are shown by nonscale conventional symbols that reflect the genetic class and mineral and chemical composition of deposits, size of mineral raw material reserves, and the quality of mineral raw materials. The boundaries of all similar deposits taken together are mapped and the areas of the deposits’ distribution as determined by some element of the geological structure of the locality or combination of such elements are shown. At the same time, metallogenic areas, regions, and zones subordinate to rocks of a definite age, composition, or structure are identified.


Smirnov, V. I. Ocherki metallogenii. Moscow, 1963.
Osnovnye printsipy sostavleniia, soderzhanie i uslovnye oboznacheniia metallogenicheskikh i prognoznykh kart rudnykh raionov. Moscow, 1964.