Landau reflex

Lan·dau re·flex

(lan'dow rē'fleks) Seen in infants aged 3 months-2 years. An extensor response of the neck, spine, and limbs, elicited by lifting the thorax of the prone subject. Extensor muscle tone ceases when the head is flexed passively.

Landau reflex

(lan′dō, ′dow) [A. Landau, Ger pediatrician] An infantile reflex in which the body flexes when the head is passively flexed forward in a prone position. It appears normally at 3 months and is absent in children with cerebral palsy and gross motor retardation.


A., German pediatrician. Landau reflex - test for hypertonia or hypotonia in infants. Synonym(s): Landau responseLandau response - Synonym(s): Landau reflex