Acronym | Definition |
NPC➣Non-Player Character |
NPC➣NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Publication Control |
NPC➣Nuclear Pore Complex |
NPC➣National People’s Congress (Chinese Legislature) |
NPC➣National Physique Committee |
NPC➣National Press Club |
NPC➣National Planning Commission (Nepal) |
NPC➣National Postgraduate Committee (UK) |
NPC➣Network and Parallel Computing (International Conference) |
NPC➣Neighborhood Parks Council |
NPC➣National Petroleum Council (An advisory committee to the U.S. Secretary of Energy) |
NPC➣National Panhellenic Conference |
NPC➣National Power Corporation (Philippines) |
NPC➣Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma |
NPC➣National Population Census (various nations) |
NPC➣National Polytechnic College (California) |
NPC➣Navy Personnel Command |
NPC➣Noise Pollution Control (Canada) |
NPC➣Nippon Precision Circuits (Japan) |
NPC➣National Power Company (various nations) |
NPC➣Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (East Hanover, NJ) |
NPC➣National Packaging Covenant (Australia) |
NPC➣New Philanthropy Capital (think tank; UK) |
NPC➣National Prescribing Centre (UK) |
NPC➣Network Processor Conference |
NPC➣Norton Parental Control |
NPC➣Netware Core Protocol |
NPC➣Norton Privacy Control |
NPC➣Normalized Projection Coordinate |
NPC➣Network Policy Committee |
NPC➣Non Playable Character |
NPC➣Norton Protection Center |
NPC➣New Pork City (gaming) |
NPC➣Nationalist People's Coalition (Philippines) |
NPC➣Non-Playable Characters (role playing games) |
NPC➣National Poverty Center (University of Michigan) |
NPC➣National Police Certificate (Australia) |
NPC➣National Policy Conference (various organizations) |
NPC➣National Peace Council (Sri Lanka) |
NPC➣Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C |
NPC➣National Productivity Council (India) |
NPC➣National Provincial Championship (New Zealand) |
NPC➣National Potato Council |
NPC➣Nunavut Planning Commission (Canada) |
NPC➣National Pensioners Convention (United Kingdom) |
NPC➣Nevada Power Company |
NPC➣Native Plant Community (classifications) |
NPC➣National Pipe Company (Saudi Arabia) |
NPC➣Noise Pollution Clearinghouse |
NPC➣Nutrition Panel Calculator (food standards; Australia and New Zealand) |
NPC➣National Pharmaceutical Council |
NPC➣National Productivity Corporation (Malaysia) |
NPC➣National Playwrights Conference (est. 1965) |
NPC➣Neural Progenitor Cell |
NPC➣Net Present Cost |
NPC➣Native Plant Center (various locations) |
NPC➣Nonplayer Character (gaming) |
NPC➣Northern People's Congress |
NPC➣Nile Petroleum Company (Malaysia) |
NPC➣Neutral-Point Clamped (converter) |
NPC➣National People's Coalition (Philippines) |
NPC➣National Pastors Convention |
NPC➣Network Parameter Control |
NPC➣North Presbyterian Church (La Crosse, WI) |
NPC➣Natural Progesterone Cream |
NPC➣Nonproliferation Center |
NPC➣Nauru Phosphate Corporation |
NPC➣Non-Playing Captain (bridge card game) |
NPC➣Notional Principal Contract |
NPC➣National Pay Commission (Bangladesh) |
NPC➣Near Point of Convergence |
NPC➣Naval Police Coxswain (Australia) |
NPC➣National Payment Card |
NPC➣Nutra Pharma Corporation (Coral Springs, FL) |
NPC➣Neighbourhood Police Centre (Singapore) |
NPC➣National Policy Committee (ANSI) |
NPC➣National Partnership Council |
NPC➣Non-Permanent Change (US Navy) |
NPC➣Necessary Path Condition (algorithm) |
NPC➣Nippon Paper Chemicals (Japan) |
NPC➣New Progressive Coalition |
NPC➣National Presidential Caucus |
NPC➣North Pacific Cable |
NPC➣National Protection Center |
NPC➣Nigerian Press Council (est. 1992) |
NPC➣National PetCare Centers (various locations) |
NPC➣National Policy Council (AARP) |
NPC➣Naval Photographic Center |
NPC➣Non Profit Commons (Second Life video game) |
NPC➣Nippon Precision Casting (Japan) |
NPC➣Nintendo Puzzle Collection |
NPC➣Normal Portland Cement |
NPC➣New Phillips Curve (data) |
NPC➣NATO Programming Centre |
NPC➣NATO Pipeline Committee |
NPC➣Nitrogen Purge Control (US NASA) |
NPC➣Normal Plane Change Maneuver (US NASA) |
NPC➣Negative Perspective Collage (fine art technique) |
NPC➣National Plasterer’s Council |
NPC➣Non-Deterministic Polynomial-Time Complete |
NPC➣Native POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) Connector (software) |
NPC➣Network Personal Computer |
NPC➣Nabtesco Power Control (Thailand) |
NPC➣Non-Productive Cough |
NPC➣Number Portability Clearinghouse (telecommunications) |
NPC➣National Philatelic Centre (Canada Post Corporation) |
NPC➣Normalized Projection Coordinate (computer science) |
NPC➣National Parks of Canada |
NPC➣No Patient Contact (medical) |
NPC➣Nurse Practitioner, Certified |
NPC➣National Prototype Center |
NPC➣Southwest Center for Natural Products Research and Commercialization |
NPC➣Niue Power Corporation (Niue Island, New Zealand) |
NPC➣National Petroleum Company PLC (Amman, Jordan) |
NPC➣Numerical Precision Control |
NPC➣North Point College (India) |
NPC➣NEXRAD Program Council |
NPC➣Network Processing Circuit (AT&T) |
NPC➣NASA Policy Charter |
NPC➣Non-Playing Computer (gaming) |
NPC➣National Payment Center |
NPC➣North Power Controller |
NPC➣Navy Policy Council |
NPC➣Nonrecurring Production Costs |
NPC➣NIMA Production Cell |
NPC➣National Point Code |
NPC➣Novel Power Control Scheme |
NPC➣Network Provider Code |
NPC➣Navy Procurement Circular |
NPC➣Neuropsychiatry Clerical Technician (US Navy) |
NPC➣Nearest Person of Color |
NPC➣National Peanut Council |
NPC➣Netpro Computing |
NPC➣Neuropsychiatry Clerical Procedure (US Navy) |
NPC➣National Paddling Committee (American Canoe Association) |
NPC➣North Pole Central (comic) |
NPC➣Neuro Physiological Conditioning |
NPC➣No Periodic Calibration |
NPC➣Non-Cooperative Power Control |
NPC➣New Paradigm Commerce, Inc |
NPC➣Nancy Poker Club (France) |