Masters and Johnson

Masters and Johnson,

pioneering research team in the field of human sexuality, consisting of the gynecologist William Howell Masters, 1915–2001, b. Cleveland, and the psychologist Virginia Eshelman Johnson, 1925–2013, b. Springfield, Mo. Authors of Human Sexual Response (1966), Human Sexual Inadequacy (1970), The Pleasure Bond (1975), Homosexuality in Perspective (1979), and (with Dr. Robert Kolodny) Crisis: Heterosexual Behavior in the Age of AIDS (1988), they established (1970) a sex-therapy program in St. Louis that became a model for clinics elsewhere, and trained other therapists in clinical counseling. Masters and Johnson were married from 1971 to 1993. Johnson left the clinic before their divorce; Masters retired in 1994.


See V. Bullough, Science in the Bedroom (1994).

Masters and Johnson

published a study of sexual performance under laboratory conditions. [Sexology: Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response in Weiss, 214]See: Sexuality