Lancefield classification

Lancefield classification

 [lans´fēld] the classification of hemolytic streptococci into groups on the basis of serologic action; there are currently 18 groups. Most of the infection-causing streptococci are in Group A.

Lance·field clas·si·fi·ca·tion

(lants'fēld), a serologic classification dividing hemolytic streptococci into groups (A-O) that bear a definite relationship to their sources, based on precipitation tests depending on group-specific carbohydrate substances; for example, Group A contains strains most pathogenic for humans; B, strains from mastitis in cows and from normal milk, including strains from the human throat and vagina; C, strains from various lower animals, including a number from cattle and the human throat; D, strains from cheese and humans; E, strains from certified milk; F, strains mainly from the human throat, associated with tonsillitis; G, strains from humans, a few from monkeys and dogs; and H, K, and O, nonpathogenic strains occasionally from normal human respiratory tracts.

Lance·field clas·si·fi·ca·tion

(lans'fēld klas'i-fi-kā'shŭn) A serologic classification dividing hemolytic streptococci into groups (A-O) based on precipitation test results for group-specific carbohydrate substances.


Rebecca Craighill, U.S. bacteriologist, 1895–. Lancefield classification - a serologic classification dividing hemolytic streptococci into groups which bear a definite relationship to their sources.