

单词 metal fume fever
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Metal Fume Fever

metal fume fever

[′med·əl ‚fyüm ′fē·vər] (medicine) A febrile influenzalike occupational disorder following the inhalation of finely divided particles and fumes of metallic oxides. Also known as brass chills; brass founder's ague; galvo; Monday fever; metal ague; polymer fume fever; spelter shakes; teflon shakes; zinc chills.

Metal Fume Fever


foundryman’s fever, brass-founder’s fever, an occupational disorder that arises upon inhalation of the vapors of various metals, such as zinc, copper, brass, and iron.

Metal fume fever begins with chills, elevated body temperature (to 39°C), a feeling of tightness and pain in the chest, headache, dizziness, general weakness, and dry cough. All of the symptoms usually disappear when contact with the harmful factor is discontinued. It is thought that in the body, metallic vapors (for example, of zinc) rapidly convert to their oxide, which, because of its high dispersability, penetrates deeply into the respiratory tract. Since it carries a high electric charge, the oxide bonds with cell proteins and causes their denaturation. When absorbed into the blood, the altered proteins cause the onset of the fever. Experimental investigations and observations have shown that after a bout of metal fume fever, patients enjoy a temporary “immunity,” during which they appear to be more resistant to the harmful factor. However, frequently recurring attacks may lead to cachexia.

Metal fume fever is treated with bed rest, cardiac agents, and intravenous administration of glucose. Antibiotics are used when secondary infection is suspected. The disorder can be prevented by improving working conditions in industry. Jobs associated with electric welding and with metal smelting and teeming should be conducted in separate premises equipped with general intake and exhaust ventilation. Individual respirators and protective clothing should be used. A hot shower is obligatory after work.


metal fume fever


 [met´'l] any chemical element marked by luster, malleability, ductility, and conductivity of electricity and heat, and which will ionize positively in solution. adj., adj metal´lic.alkali metal one of a group of monovalent elements including lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium.metal fume fever an occupational disorder with malaria-like symptoms occurring in those engaged in welding and other metallic operations and due to the volatilized metals. It includes brassfounder's fever (brass chill, brazier's chill) and spelter's fever (zinc chill, zinc fume fever).heavy metal one with a high specific gravity, usually defined to be above 5.0.heavy metal poisoning poisoning with any of the heavy metals, particularly antimony, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, thallium, or zinc.noble metal a metal that is highly resistant to oxidation and corrosion.

brass found·er's fe·ver

an occupational disease, characterized by malarialike symptoms, due to inhalation of particles and fumes of metallic oxides. Fumes are formed by evaporation at high temperature and condensation in air into fine particles. Synonym(s): foundryman's fever, metal fume fever, zinc fume fever

metal fume fever

An acute, self-limited influenza-like illness due to occupational exposure to metal (zinc, copper, magnesium) dust or fumes, often inhaled as a sulfide ore (CuS, Cu2S, CuFeS2, Cu3FS3).
Clinical findings
Several hours after exposure, cough, dry throat, tightness in chest, chills and fever, then sweating, weakness, nausea, myalgia, upper respiratory tract irritation, leukocytosis.
At-risk occupations
Mining, welding, brass foundry work.

metal fume fever

Occupational medicine An acute self-limited influenza-like illness due to occupational exposure to metal–zinc, copper, magnesium–dust or fumes, often inhaled as a sulfide ore At risk occupations Mining, welding, brass foundry work, due to metal fume exposure Clinical Several hrs after exposure, cough, dry throat, tightness in chest, chills, fever, then sweating, weakness, nausea, then recovery; other Sx: myalgia, upper respiratory tract irritation, leukocytosis. Cf 'Monday death. '.

met·al fume fe·ver

(me'tăl fyūm fē'ver) An occupational disorder caused by the inhalation of fumes or metallic oxides; characterized by symptoms similar to influenzas. The condition occurs among workers engaged in welding, metal fabrication, casting, and other metal-working tasks. Fresh air and treatment of symptoms usually alleviate the conditions.




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