missed approach phases

missed approach phases

missed approach phasesThere are three phases of a missed approach: initial, intermediate, and final. The initial phase begins at the missed approach point (MAPt) and ends at the point where the climb is established. No turns are specified in this phase, as the most important maneuver is to establish the climb. In the intermediate phase, the climb is continued, normally straight ahead. It extends to the first point where a 164-ft (50 m) obstacle clearance is obtained and can be maintained. In this phase, the track may be altered by a maximum of 15° from that of the initial approach phase. Also, during this phase, it is assumed that the aircraft will begin track corrections. The final phase of a missed approach begins at the point where the 164-ft (50 m) obstacle clearance is first obtained and can be maintained. It extends to the point where a new approach, holding, or a return to the en route flight is initiated. Turns may be prescribed in this phase.