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mus·cu·lar M0492200 (mŭs′kyə-lər)adj.1. Of, relating to, or consisting of muscle: muscular contraction.2. Having well-developed muscles: a muscular build.3. Having or suggesting great forcefulness, especially at the expense of subtlety: muscular reasoning that does not bother with the finer points; muscular advocacy groups. [From Latin mūsculus, muscle; see muscle.] mus′cu·lar′i·ty (-lăr′ĭ-tē) n.mus′cu·lar·ly adv.Synonyms: muscular, brawny, burly, sinewy These adjectives mean strong and powerfully built: a muscular build; brawny arms; a burly stevedore; a lean and sinewy frame.MedicalSeemuscular |