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DictionarySeeasthenopiamuscular asthenopia
asthenopia [as″thĕ-no´pe-ah] weakness or easy fatigue of the eye, with pain in the eyes, headache, and dimness of vision. adj., adj asthenop´ic.accommodative asthenopia asthenopia due to strain of the ciliary muscle.muscular asthenopia asthenopia due to weakness of the external ocular muscles.mus·cu·lar as·the·no·pi·aasthenopia due to imbalance of the extrinsic ocular muscles.mus·cu·lar as·the·no·pi·a (mŭs'kyū-lăr as'thĕ-nō'pē-ă) Weakness due to imbalance of the extrinsic ocular muscles. muscular asthenopiaAsthenopia due to weakness of the extrinsic ocular muscles.See also: asthenopia |