Acronym | Definition |
OES➣Original Equipment Supplier |
OES➣Occupational Employment Statistics |
OES➣Office of Emergency Services |
OES➣Order of the Eastern Star |
OES➣Optical Emission Spectrometry |
OES➣Optical Emission Spectroscopy |
OES➣Open Enterprise Server (Novell) |
OES➣Old English Sheepdog |
OES➣Oracle Entitlements Server |
OES➣Oregon Electric Station (Eugene, Oregon restaurant) |
OES➣Opera Enterprise Solution |
OES➣Operating Environments |
OES➣Open Enterprise Server |
OES➣Oregon Episcopal School |
OES➣Oracle Express Server |
OES➣Office of Engineering Services |
OES➣Occupational Exposure Standard |
OES➣Order Entry System (software) |
OES➣Ontario Electronic Stewardship (Canada) |
OES➣Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (Department of State bureau) |
OES➣Office of Experiment Stations (USDA) |
OES➣Officer Education System (US Army) |
OES➣Office of Extended Studies (various schools) |
OES➣Online Evaluation System (various organizations) |
OES➣Online Employment System (various locations) |
OES➣Office Equipment Services (Naperville, IL) |
OES➣Oceanic Engineering Society |
OES➣Original Equipment Spares |
OES➣Open Enterprise Solutions (software; various locations) |
OES➣Office of Earth Science (NASA) |
OES➣Office of Education Services |
OES➣Office of Employment Security (US government) |
OES➣Offshore Engineering Society |
OES➣Officer Evaluation System |
OES➣Operational Engineering Support |
OES➣Orissa Environmental Society (India) |
OES➣Office of Employee Services |
OES➣Organization Executive Secretary (Scientology) |
OES➣Office of Executive Support |
OES➣Ontario Employment Standards (Canada) |
OES➣Oregon Environmental Systems (Beaverton, OR) |
OES➣Ogretim Elemanlari Sendikasi (Turkish: Union of Teaching Staff) |
OES➣Orbital Element Set (satellite) |
OES➣Outbreak Elimination Squad (gaming clan) |
OES➣Operations Evaluation System |
OES➣Outside Electrical Supply |
OES➣Operational Effectiveness Systems (enterprise software to manage organizational knowledge & work processes) |
OES➣Optically Excited System |
OES➣Ownship Environment Simulator |