Acronym | Definition |
ARPA➣Advanced Research Projects Agency (US DoD; now DARPA) |
ARPA➣Advanced Research Projects Agency |
ARPA➣Address and Routing Parameter Area |
ARPA➣Automatic Radar Plotting Aid |
ARPA➣Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente (Italian: Regional Agency for the Protection of Environment) |
ARPA➣Amazon Region Protected Areas |
ARPA➣Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 |
ARPA➣Australian Review of Public Affairs (publication; University of Sydney; Sydney, Australia) |
ARPA➣Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 |
ARPA➣American Review of Public Administration |
ARPA➣Alberta Recreation and Parks Association |
ARPA➣Australian Retired Persons Association |
ARPA➣Association Rissoise de Protection des Animaux |
ARPA➣Alabama Recreation and Parks Association |
ARPA➣Australasian Religious Press Association |
ARPA➣Arizona Rail Passenger Association |
ARPA➣Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association |
ARPA➣Arkansas Psychological Association |
ARPA➣Atlantic Region Philosophers Association (Canada) |
ARPA➣Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association |
ARPA➣Astoria Railroad Preservation Association (Astoria, OR) |
ARPA➣Advanced Radar Plotting Aid |
ARPA➣Alaska Recreation and Park Association |
ARPA➣Austrian Research Promotion Agency |
ARPA➣Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 |
ARPA➣African Revenue Protection Association |
ARPA➣Arkansas Recreation and Parks Association |
ARPA➣Amicale Rétro Peugeot Atlantique (French car club; Nantes, France) |
ARPA➣Airbreathing and Rocket Propulsion Analysis (tool for space vehicle design) |
ARPA➣Autolinee Regionali Pubbliche Abruzzesi SpA |
ARPA➣Arizona Rock Product Association |
ARPA➣American Red Poll Association |
ARPA➣Aachener Rechner-Pools Audimax |
ARPA➣Area Radar Prediction Analysis |
ARPA➣Army Research Projects Agency |
ARPA➣Average Revenue Per Account |
ARPA➣Association Rwandaise des Personnes Agees (French) |
ARPA➣Association for Reformed Political Action |
ARPA➣Asociación de Periodistas de Televisión y Radio de la Argentina (Spanish: Argentina Television and Radio Journalists Association; Argentina) |
ARPA➣Association of Rights Protected Artists |
ARPA➣Approval of Regulatory Program Amendments |
ARPA➣Analysis, Research & Planning for Armenia (Granada Hills, CA) |
ARPA➣Austalian Prudential Regulation Authority |