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M3 symbol for (Economics) the amount of money in circulation given by M1 plus all private-sector bank deposits and certificates of deposit. Former symbol: £M3 (sterling M3) ThesaurusNoun | 1. M3 - a measure of the money supply; M2 plus deposits at institutions that are not banks (such as savings and loan associations)money supply - the total stock of money in the economy; currency held by the public plus money in accounts in banks |
M3A macro processor, forerunner of M4, for the AP-3minicomputer.M3
M3 Abbreviation for: third marginal coronary artery (see there)FAB classification French-American-British classification of acute leukemia Hematology A schema that divides acute leukemias into lymphoid–ALL or myeloid–AML cell lines; of childhood ALL, 70% are predominantly L1, 27% are L2, and 3% or less are L3 or Burkitt cell type, in adults with ALL, 30% are L1, 65% are L2, and 5% are L3 FAB classification, acute leukemias Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) L1 Small monotonous lymphocytes L2 Mixed L1- and L3-type lymphocytes L3 Large homogeneous blast cells Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) M1 Myeloblasts without maturation M2 Myeloblasts with maturation (best AML prognosis) M3 Hypergranular promyelocytic leukemia (faggot cells) M3V Variant, microgranular promyelocytic leukemia M4 Myelomonocytic leukocytes M5 Monocytic, subtype a. Poorly differentiated monocytic leukemia b. Well differentiated monocytic leukemia M6 Erythroleukemia/DiGuglielmo syndrome M7 Megakaryocytic leukemia Pleomorphic undifferentiated cells with cytoplasmic blebs; myelofibrosis or ↑ BM reticulin; positive for platelet peroxidase antifactor VIII M3
M3Measure of the U.S. money stock that consists of M2, time deposits of $100,000 or more at all depository institutions, term repurchase agreements in amounts of $100,000 or more, certain term Eurodollars and balances in money market mutual funds restricted to institutional investor.M3A measure of money supply used by the various central banks. In the Federal Reserve System, M3 includes all physical currency and deposits in checking accounts, deposits in savings accounts, certificates of deposit, institutional money market accounts, repurchase agreements, and other large liquid assets that do not circulate very often. The European Central Bank defines M3 as the aggregation of currency in circulation, overnight deposits, all money market accounts, debt securities with maturities of up to two years, and repurchase agreements. M3 includes money that circulates very little or not at all and, therefore, the Federal Reserve no longer calculates M3 when determining the money supply. However, it is useful to some economists seeking to determine the entire amount of money in a given economy. See also: M0, M1, M2, M4M3 A very broad measure of the domestic money supply that includes M2 items plus any large time deposits and money market fund balances held by institutions.m3
Acronym | Definition |
m3➣Cubic Meter(s) | m3➣Mother 3 (gaming) | m3➣Major Third (musical) | m3➣Modula-3 | m3➣Minor Third (musical) | m3➣Westjet (airline code) | m3➣Metal Machine Music (gaming) | m3➣Third-Year Medical Student | m3➣Multi Media Marketing | m3➣Multimedia Message Manager (automated message processing services) | m3➣Marvelous Three (band) | m3➣Mega Man Mush (anime/game) | m3➣Mondo3 (website) | m3➣Maintenance & Materiel Management | m3➣Military Manpower Model | m3➣[not an acronym] economic indicator showing changes in manufacturing (manufacturers' shipments, inventories, and orders) |
Words related to M3noun a measure of the money supplyRelated Words |