Moscow Uprising of 1547
Moscow Uprising of 1547
an antifeudal uprising that took place in the Russian state.
The cause of the Moscow Uprising of 1547 lay in the marked aggravation of class conflicts during the 1530’s and 1540’s that had been brought about by intensified feudal oppression and the increasing resort to violence during the years of boyar rule, especially under the Glinskii family. The principal element among the insurgents was composed of Moscow’s tiaglye liudi, that is, those who bore the greatest tax burden. The disturbances began immediately after the great fire of June 21, 1547. While Tsar Ivan IV remained secluded in the village of Vorob’evo, the uprising reached its height on June 26–29. The insurgents killed Prince Iu. V. Glinskii and plundered the palaces and property of the Glinskiis and the other feudal lords, whom they considered guilty of having set the fire.
On June 29, armed Muscovites entered Vorob’evo and demanded that the tsar surrender the remaining Glinskiis, but after negotiations returned to Moscow. As the government turned instead to repression, several participants in the uprising were executed and others fled from Moscow. The Moscow Uprising of 1547 was complicated by intrigues within the aristocracy against the Glinskii family and led finally to their fall. It also set off a series of disturbances and uprisings in other cities and regions.
Smirnov, I. Sh. Ocherki politicheskoi istorii Russkogo gosudarstva 30–50 gg. XVI v. Moscow-Leningrad, 1958.Zimin, A. A. Reformy Ivana Groznogo. Moscow, 1960.
Shmidt, S. O. “O moskovskom vosstanii 1547 g.” In Krest’ianstvo i klassovaia bor’ba ν feodal’noi Rossii. Leningrad, 1967.