Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology

Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology


(full name, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology), one of the leading educational and scientific centers in the USSR for chemistry and chemical technology. It dates to 1900, when a physicomathematical department, including a section of natural history, was founded at the Moscow Advanced Courses For Women. From 1918 to 1930, the institute was the department of chemistry of the Second Moscow State University; it has had its present name since 1931. The name of M. V. Lomonosov was conferred on the institute in 1940. Among the initiators of the institute’s founding and its first professors were Academicians S. A. Chaplygin, V. I. Vernadskii, and N. D. Zelinskii and Professors B. K. Mlodzievskii and A. N. Reformatskii. The establishment and development of scientific schools at the institute were the work of such scientists as A. N. Nesmeianov, I. L. Knuniants, Ia. K. Syrkin, I. P. Alimarin, N. P. Fedorenko, K. A. Andrianov, S. S. Nametkin, S. S. Medvedev, G. G. Urazov, I. N. Nazarov, I. V. Tananaev, A. N. Bashkirov, and N. A. Preobrazhenskii.

As of 1973, the institute had departments of organic synthesis and polymer synthesis, chemistry and technology of rubber and polymer processing, and chemistry and technology of rare elements and materials of electronic technology; an evening division; a preparatory division; a graduate school; 29 sub-departments; six special problem laboratories; and a sectorial laboratory. The library contains about 250, 000 volumes. The enrollment at the institute in the 1972–73 academic year was more than 4, 000, and there were 850 teachers and researchers, including two academicians and four corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 41 professors and doctors of sciences, and about 250 docents and candidates of sciences. The institute confers doctoral and candidate’s degrees. It has published Trudy (Transactions) since 1970. From 1930 to 1972 the institute trained about 13, 000 specialists. It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1971.