Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building

Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building


founded in 1962 from the Moscow Evening Machine-building Institute (founded in 1929). In 1973 the institute had departments of semiconductor and vacuum-tube machine building, automation and computer technology, radio engineering, and applied mathematics; two evening divisions (including one for studies of automated control systems and applied mathematics for engineers); a department for advanced training of specialists; a preparatory division; an evening school for physics and mathematics; a graduate school; 34 subdepartments; and a library with 500, 000 volumes.

During the 1972–73 academic year 6, 000 students were studying at the institute; there were about 500 teachers, including 40 professors and doctors of sciences and about 250 docents and candidates of science. The institute confers candidate’s and doctoral degrees. It has published Trudy (Transactions) since 1966. From 1962 to 1973 the institute trained 7, 600 specialists.