Moscow Higher Industrial Arts School
Moscow Higher Industrial Arts School
(formerly the Stroganov School), one of the oldest art education institutions of the USSR, providing training in industrial, monumental-decorative, and applied arts, as well as in interior decoration. The school was founded in 1825 as the School of Drawing for Arts and Crafts by Count S. G. Stroganov, a prominent archaeologist and patron of the arts. In 1843 the school became a state educational institution; in 1860 it was renamed the Stroganov School of Technical Drawing. The school furthered the development of Russian applied art, introduced into industrial production models for art objects, and organized creative competitions, exhibitions, and other events.
After the October Revolution of 1917, the school was reorganized and became a part of the State Free Art Workshops, Vkhutemas (State Higher Arts and Technical Studios), and Vkhutein (Higher Art and Technical Institute). In 1945 the school again became a higher educational institution for industrial arts. The work of the following prominent architects and painters has been associated with the school: S. V. Ivanov, M. A. Vrubel’, A. V. Shchusev, K. A. Korovin, N. A. Andreev, G. I. Motovilov, F. P. Fedorovskii, E. F. Belashova, V. A. Vatagin, S. V. Gerasimov, F. Ia. Mishukov, V. A. Kozlinskii, G. M. Korzhev, and G. A. Zakharov.
As of 1973 the school had departments of industrial arts, interior decoration, and monumental-decorative and applied art. There is an evening division, a graduate school, and 19 sub-departments. The school also has various types of workshops with facilities for producing designs for industry during the course of studies. The library has 100, 000 holdings.
During the 1972–73 academic year, the school had an enrollment of 1, 200 students and a faculty of more than 200 instructors, including 15 professors and doctors of sciences, 69 docents and candidates of sciences, and six honored artists, scientists, and engineers. The school is authorized to confer candidate’s degrees. Since 1958 it has published Trudy (Transactions). Between 1945 and 1972 the school trained more than 1, 800 specialists.