neuromuscular spindle

neu·ro·mus·cu·lar spin·dle

a fusiform end organ in skeletal muscle in which afferent and a few efferent nerve fibers terminate; it contains from 3 to 10 modified striated muscle fibers (intrafusal fibers) that are much smaller than the ordinary muscle fibers, are separated from them by a capsule that encloses the organ, and are innervated by the thin axon of a gamma motoneuron (gamma motor fiber); the sensory endings that occur on the intrafusal fibers are either annulospiral or flower-spray endings; this sensory end organ is particularly sensitive to passive stretching of the muscle in which it is enclosed. Synonym(s): Kühne spindle, muscle spindle

neu·ro·mus·cu·lar spin·dle

(nūr'ō-mŭs'kyū-lăr spin'dĕl) A fusiform end organ in skeletal muscle in which afferent and a few efferent nerve fibers terminate; this sensory end organ is particularly sensitive to passive stretch of the muscle in which it is enclosed.
Synonym(s): muscle spindle.


Wilhelm (Willy) F., German physiologist and histologist, 1837-1900. Kühne fiber - artificial muscle fiber used to demonstrate the contractility of protoplasm.Kühne methylene blue - methylene blue in absolute alcohol and phenol solution.Kühne phenomenon - when a constant current is passed through a muscle, an undulation is seen to pass from the positive to the negative pole.Kühne plate - the endplate of a motor nerve fiber in a muscle spindle.Kühne spindle - a fusiform end organ in skeletal muscle in which afferent and a few efferent nerve fibers terminate. Synonym(s): neuromuscular spindle