释义 |
neu·ro·lyt·ic (nū'rō-lit'ik), Relating to neurolysis.neu·ro·lyt·ic (nūr'ō-lit'ik) Relating to neurolysis. neurolysis (nū-rŏl′ĭs-ĭs) 1. The loosening of scar tissue surrounding a nerve.2. The disintegration or destruction of nerve tissue. It is often used to treat peripheral nerve diseases, esp. those that cause intolerable pain. The painful nerve may be destroyed with drugs or chemicals, extremely cold probes, radio frequency ablation, or surgery. Painful conditions that can be treated with neurolysis include trigeminal neuralgia and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. neurolytic (nū-rō-lĭt′ĭk), adjectiveneu·ro·lyt·ic (nūr'ō-lit'ik) Relating to neurolysis. |