muscles of facial expression

fa·cial mus·cles

[TA] the numerous muscles supplied by the facial nerve that are attached to and move the skin of the face. Terminologia Anatomica includes the buccinator muscle in this group because of its innervation and embryonic origin, even though it functions primarily in mastication. Synonym(s): musculi faciei [TA], mimetic muscles, muscles of facial expression

muscles of facial expression

Thin muscles that insert into the skin of the face; all are innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII). Scalp: frontalis and occipitalis muscles. Ear: anterior, posterior, and superior auricular muscles. Eye: orbicularis oculi. Nose: depressor septi, nasalis, and procerus muscles. Mouth: buccinator, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, levator anguli oris, levator labii superioris, mentalis, orbicularis oris, risorius, and zygomaticus muscle. Neck: platysma. See: face and headfor illus.See also: muscle