lamina fusca of sclera

suprachoroid lamina of sclera

[TA] an exceedingly delicate layer of loose, pigmented connective tissue on the inner surface of the sclera ; recently, the suprachoroid lamina of sclera and the suprachoroid lamina of choroid have been considered as a single suprachoroid layer. Synonym(s): lamina fusca sclerae [TA], brown layer, ectochoroidea, lamina fusca of sclera, membrana fusca, suprachoroid layer of sclera, suprachoroidea

lam·i·na fus·ca of scle·ra

(lam'i-nă fŭs'kă skler'ă) An exceedingly delicate layer of loose, pigmented connective tissue on the inner surface of the sclera, connecting it with the choroid.