

单词 met



M0242800 (mĕt)v.Past tense and past participle of meet1.


(mɛt) vb the past tense and past participle of meet1


(mɛt) n1. (Law) (in Britain) the Metropolitan Police Force: the main police force serving London2. (Named Buildings) the Metropolitan Museum of Art (in New York)



v. pt. and pp. of meet 1 .




var. of meta- before a vowel: metempsychosis.


1. metaphor. 2. metaphysics. 3. meteorological; meteorology.
pass. di to meet


meet (someone's) expectations

To be as good as or have the qualities that someone predicted, expected, or hoped for. We'd heard so many good things about the new restaurant, but the food didn't meet our expectations at all. I'm so excited for the latest movie in the series—I hope it meets my expectations!See also: expectation, meet

well met

archaic A complimentary greeting or salutation. Well met, lieutenant! It is a fine morning that sees us off to war!See also: met, well

meet (one's) maker

To die. Please stop speeding, I don't want to meet my maker today!See also: maker, meet

meet head-on

To confront or otherwise handle something directly. I'm nervous about having to make a presentation to the entire board, but it is a challenge I will meet head-on.See also: meet

meet the eye

To be visible or noticeable. Perhaps most commonly used in the saying "more than meets the eye." A: "Did I put up too many decorations?" B: "Well, they were the first thing to meet the eye!"See also: eye, meet

meet a sticky end

To experience an unpleasant death, usually as a result of one's own actions. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. You will meet a sticky end if you don't change your reckless ways. The serial purse snatcher met a sticky end when he encountered a little old lady trained in karate.See also: end, meet, sticky

meet (one's) Waterloo

To experience a final and resounding defeat. (Napoleon Bonaparte suffered his crushing final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.) The underdog team met their Waterloo in the championship game and lost to the best team in the league 17-1.See also: meet, Waterloo

meet (one) halfway

To compromise with someone, often in an argument or disagreement. I'll agree to some of your requests if you'll meet me halfway and allow me to implement some of my ideas. Hey, buddy, please meet your mother and I halfway and at least try to clean your room once a month, OK? Can we meet halfway on this? I'm willing to compromise.See also: halfway, meet

meet (someone) in the flesh

To meet someone in person whom one only knows at a distance, especially through a medium such as film, music, theater, etc. After years of idolizing the singer, it was a bit anticlimactic meeting her in the flesh. We've been corresponding for years, so it was wonderful finally meeting him in the flesh at the conference.See also: flesh, meet

meet (one's) match

To encounter one's equal or superior in ability, skill, etc., especially in a competitive setting. Stevenson used to be the dominant player on the tour, but it looks like she has finally met her match in the young newcomer. A lot of kids who are used to being the smartest student in school are a little shell-shocked when they meet their match in college.See also: match, meet

meet up

1. verb To meet at a location, typically not either person's home. Hey, let's meet up at the coffee shop later. I have to run to an appointment now. Can I meet up with you later?2. noun An organized gathering of some kind, usually of people with similar interests. In this usage, the term is usually spelled as one word. There's a sci-fi meetup in the library later. Are you coming?See also: meet, up


Very friendly, often obnoxiously or disingenuously so. I don't think George is as nice as he seems—he just strikes me as hail-fellow-well-met.

meet with (someone or something)

1. To spend time with someone, usually for a specific reason. I have to meet with Carrie before I can give you an answer to that question.2. To elicit a particular response. Mom's announcement that we were having meatloaf for dinner was met with groans from the rest of us. The senator's proposal was met with skepticism on both sides of the aisle.3. To experience something. I'm just warning you—if you embezzle money, you're going to meet with a bad end.4. To come into contact with something. I think this piece is supposed to meet with that one. Here, take a look at the instructions.See also: meet

meet the case

To face and engage with a legal case in a court of law. The judged thanked all sides for meeting the case fairly and rationally. The defendant's lawyer pleaded with the judge to give him a reduced sentence, pointing out that he had accepted responsibility and met the case properly from the very beginning.See also: case, meet

meet (one's)/the requirements

To completely fulfil or satisfy the conditions required for something. Unfortunately, you did not meet the requirements we laid out for you, so your application was rejected. We only use ingredients that meet our very strict requirements for quality and renewability.See also: meet, requirement

meet up with (one)

To meet or encounter someone, especially in a casual capacity. I'm meeting up with Jenny and David tomorrow for lunch, so I won't be around in the afternoon. I met up with James at the mall yesterday to help him shop for a suit.See also: meet, up

have you met

A phrase used when introducing people. I'm sorry, have you met? Carly, this is Tom. Tom, have you met Carly?See also: have, met

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

A phrase used when one recognizes someone or thinks they look familiar. It can also be used flirtatiously when trying to start a conversation with someone that one deems attractive. Haven't I seen you somewhere before? You look really familiar. "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" is Ed's favorite pick-up line, even though it has a very low success rate with the ladies.See also: seen, somewhere

Haven't we met before?

A phrase used when one recognizes someone or thinks they look familiar. It can also be used flirtatiously when trying to start a conversation with someone that one deems attractive. Haven't we met before? You look really familiar. "Haven't we met before?" is Ed's favorite pick-up line, even though it has a very low success rate with the ladies.See also: met, we

Have we met before?

A phrase used when one recognizes someone or thinks they look familiar. It can also be used flirtatiously when trying to start a conversation with someone that one deems attractive. Have we met before? You look really familiar. "Have we met before?" is Ed's favorite pick-up line, even though it has a very low success rate with the ladies.See also: have, met, we

I believe we've met

Said when one is introduced to someone they think they've met before. I believe we've met—Holly, right? A: "Ed, this is my roommate, Jen." B: "Oh yeah, hi, I believe we've met before."See also: believe, met


Fig. friendly to everyone; falsely friendly to everyone. (Usually said of males.) Yes, he's friendly, sort of hale-fellow-well-met. He's not a very sincere person. Hail-fellow-well-met—you know the type. What a pain he is. Good old Mr. Hail-fellow-well-met. What a phony!

Have you met (someone?)

a question asked when introducing someone to someone else. (The question need not be answered. The someone is usually a person's name.) Tom: Hello, Mary. Have you met Fred? Mary: Hello, Fred. Glad to meet you. Fred: Glad to meet you, Mary. Tom: Hey, Mary! Good to see you. Have you met Fred? Mary: No, I don't believe I have. Hello, Fred. Glad to meet you. Fred: Hello, Mary.See also: have, met

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

 and Haven't we met before?a polite or coy way of trying to introduce yourself to someone. Bob: Hi. Haven't I seen you somewhere before? Mary: I hardly think so. Bill (moving toward Jane): Haven't we met before? Jane (moving away from Bill): No way!See also: seen, somewhere

I believe we've met.

a phrase suggesting that one has already met a person to whom one is being introduced. John: Alice, have you met Fred? Alice: Oh, yes, I believe we've met. How are you, Fred? Fred: Hello, Alice. Good to see you again. Alice: Tom, this is my cousin, Mary. Tom: I believe we've met. Nice to see you again, Mary. Mary: Hello, Tom. Good to see you again.See also: believe, met


See under meet.


showing excessive familiarity. 1979 Steven Levenkron The Best Little Girl in the World Harold was accustomed to hail-fellow-well-met salesmen and deferential secretaries and even irate accountants.

meet the case

be adequate.See also: case, meet

meet up

v.1. To come together at a place, especially in order to accomplish something; meet: Let's meet up after the meeting and discuss this further.2. meet up to To have some required level of quality: I think our performance will meet up to your expectations. I hope my new car will meet up to the demands of all the driving that I have to do for my job.3. meet up with To come together with someone or something, especially in order to accomplish something; meet with someone or something: We'll meet up with the others later and decide where to eat dinner.See also: meet, up

hail fellow well met

On easy, congenial terms; also, superficial friendliness. This expression, which has a quintessentially Victorian ring, actually dates from the sixteenth century. Presumably it began as a greeting, but by 1550 it was being used figuratively and so appeared in Thomas Becon’s New Catechisme (“They would be ‘hail fellow well met’ with him”).See also: fellow, hail, met, well



On drawings, abbr. for “metal.”



 [met] a unit of measurement of heat production by the body, being the metabolic heat produced by a resting-sitting subject; it is equal to 50 kilogram calories per square meter of body surface per hour.


Abbreviation for metabolic equivalent.


Symbol for methionine or methionyl.


A metabolic unit used to quantify the intensity of physical activity, which is defined as the ratio of the metabolic rate during exercise to the metabolic rate at rest. One MET corresponds to an energy expenditure of approximately 1 kca1Jkg of body weight/hour, or an oxygen uptake of 3.5 ml of O2 consumption/kg/hour. The MET unit is of use when planning the rehabilitation of patients who have had a myocardial infarction.
Metabolic Equivalents
1—Sleeping, reclining. 
2—Sitting (e.g., desk work, highway driving).
3—Very light exertion (e.g., office work, city driving). 
4—Light exertion, normal breathing (e.g., slow walking, mopping, golfing with a cart). 
5—Moderate exertion with deep breathing (e.g., normal walking, golfing on foot, callisthenics, raking leaves, downhill skiing, hunting, fishing, slow dancing, interior painting). 
6—Vigourous exertion with panting, overheating (e.g., slow jogging, speed-walking, tennis, swimming, cross-country skiing, fast biking, shovelling snow, heavy restaurant work, laying bricks, heavy gardening, heavy household repairs). 
7—Heavy exertion with gasping and sweating (e.g., fast jogging, running, continuous racquetball, touch football, moving heavy rocks, mixing cement, using a jackhammer, shovelling deep or heavy snow, hanging drywall).
8—Peak or extreme exertion (e.g., fast running, jogging uphill, aggressive sports with no rest, extreme work, pushing or pulling with one’s entire strength).


Abbreviation for metabolic equivalent; muscle energy technique.



Patient discussion about MET

Q. I have met my close friend after 3 years. She is showing some signs of high depression. How can I help her? I have met my very close friend after 3 years and she is very depressed. I am worried that she is showing some signs of high depression. She talks all rubbish and negatives these days which is filled with that nonsense hopelessness. She was fine and going good when I left her and now she is completely negative in her behavior and also very depressed. She is not able to enjoy my company. She had lost her weight and her eyes reflect the bluntness. She keeps silent most of the time. How can I help her?A. I think first you must talk to her and find out about when and how this started. Take her to all the places where you both used to go. She might have come across difficult phase in these years which would have made her depressed and she may need a support to bring her back to normal way of living. We cannot say that this is a depression which would get cured by just talking and knowing the reasons but you must help her to fight back for the thing she had lost. If there is no desired result, then do consult a physician.

Q. Does staging in breast cancer is linked to metastasis and what is the use of staging? A. stages in cancer tell of it's progress. is it benign, does it have a capsule, did it metastasized and all that. but if you are looking for more accurate and more information on that in general:
this should do it!

Q. What is the best pathophysiology of colorectal cancer. The pathophysiology just has to be brief and concise. It also has to include nursing considerations for the patient. A. i'm not sure i understand your question...do you mean what is the best treatment for colorectal cancer? patophysiology is the changes the tissue acquired. if you'll give me more details on what you are looking for i'll be more then happy to help you.

More discussions about MET


METMetallica (band)
METMechanical Engineering Technology (college course)
METManufacturing Engineering
METMinistry of Environment and Tourism (Namibia)
METMethionine (Amino Acid)
METMetropark (Amtrak station code; Metropark, NJ)
METMetabolic Equivalent
METMonitoring and Evaluation Team (various organizations)
METMedical Education Training (various locations)
METMaritime Education and Training
METMesenchymal to Epithelial Transition (biological process)
METMetafile (filename extension OS/2 operating system)
METMedical Emergency Team (various organizations)
METMuscle Energy Technique (physical therapy)
METMechanical-Electrical Technology (various schools)
METMaryland Ensemble Theatre (Frederick, MD)
METMedical Education Trust (various organizations)
METMeridian Energie Techniken (German: Meridian Energy Techniques)
METModern Evolutionary Theory
METManagement Entrance Test (India)
METMission Elapsed Time (NASA)
METMeta File
METMulticast Expansion Table
METMacro Editor Top Overflow File
METMiddle European Time
METMarket Economy Treatment
METMotivation Education and Training (various locations)
METMicro-Enterprise Training (various locations)
METMiddle European Time (CET)
METMission Essential Task
METMemory Enhancement Technology
METMathematics Education Trust
METMaximum Execution Time
METMarijuana Enforcement Team (California)
METMinistère Wallon de l'Equipement et des Transports (Belgium)
METMind's Eye Theatre
METMaster of Educational Technology
METMultiple-Employer Trust
METMassachusetts Environmental Trust
METMeridian Energy Therapy (alternative medicine)
METMobile Enforcement Team
METMicroscopie Électronique en Transmission (French: Transmission Electron Microscopy)
METMicrocurrent Electrical Therapy
METMarine Engineering Technology
METMultidisciplinary Evaluation Team
METMechanical Engineering Team
METMobile Education Team
METMinerals Extraction Tax (various locations)
METMeteorological Team
METModularized Equipment Transporter
METMobile Equipment Transporter (Apollo Program)
METMission Essential Team (US FEMA)
METMultimedia En Telecommunicatie (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
METMany Electron Theory
METMaster of Environmental Toxicology (various schools)
METMain Earthing Terminal
METMultibutton Electronic Telephone
METMy Ego Times (website)
METMobile Environmental Team
METMobile Einsatz Truppe (German: Mobile Task Force; gaming)
METMaryland Electrical Testing (Baltimore, MD)
METManagement Engineering Team
METMean Effective Temperature
METMaster Energy Therapist
METMicroEnergy Technologies, Inc.
METMission Event Time
METMobile Equipment Technology
METMetabolic Units Above Resting
METManagement Emphasis Tracking
METMedium Energy Telescope
METMerchandise Enforcement Team (US Customs and Border Protection)
METMulti-image Exploitation Toolkit
METMulti-Service Execution Team (US DoD)
METMeridiano Tecnologias
METMilitary Effects Test/Tower
METMaintenance Engineering Technique




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