Acronym | Definition |
BIO➣Biography |
BIO➣Biology |
BIO➣Biological |
BIO➣Biotechnology Industry Organization |
BIO➣Biodegradable |
BIO➣By Invitation Only |
BIO➣Bedford Institute of Oceanography |
BIO➣Bring It On (Counter-Strike gaming clan) |
BIO➣Bring It On |
BIO➣Bioseparation |
BIO➣Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy (eyes) |
BIO➣Basic Input Output |
BIO➣Blow It Off |
BIO➣Biological Hazard (fire diamond warning code) |
BIO➣Biotech Industry Organization |
BIO➣Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope |
BIO➣Building Inspection Office (various locations) |
BIO➣Business Integration Office (US DoD) |
BIO➣Business Information Optimization (software) |
BIO➣Business Information Officer |
BIO➣Bureau of International Organizations (US DoD) |
BIO➣Binary Input/Output |
BIO➣Basis for Interim Operation |
BIO➣British Informatics Olympiad |
BIO➣Bilbao, Spain - Sondica (Airport Code) |
BIO➣Biology Break (chat, going to the bathroom) |
BIO➣Bio Research Module (NASA) |
BIO➣Biomechanical Integrated Organism (robotics) |
BIO➣Biological Information Processing Association |
BIO➣Branch Intelligence Officer |
BIO➣Broadcast Input Output |
BIO➣Bitronics Input/Output (computer networking) |