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sy·rin·go·my·e·li·a (sĭ-ring'gō-mī-ē'lē-ă), [MIM*186700 and MIM*272480] The presence in the spinal cord of longitudinal cavities lined by dense, gliogenous tissue, which is not caused by vascular insufficiency. Syringomyelia is marked clinically by pain and paresthesia, followed by muscular atrophy of the hands and analgesia with thermoanesthesia of the hands and arms, but with the tactile sense preserved; later marked by painless whitlow, spastic paralysis in the lower extremities, and scoliosis of the lumbar spine. Some cases are associated with low grade gliomas or vascular malformations of the spinal cord. Synonym(s): hydrosyringomyelia, Morvan disease, syringomyelus [syringo- + G. myelos, marrow] sy·rin·go·my·e·li·a (si-ring'gō-mī-ē'lē-ă) The presence in the spinal cord of longitudinal cavities lined by dense, gliogenous tissue, which are not caused by vascular insufficiency. Syringomyelia is marked clinically by pain and paresthesia, followed by muscular atrophy of the hands and analgesia with thermoanesthesia of the hands and arms, but with the tactile sense preserved; it is later marked by painless whitlows, spastic paralysis in the lower extremities, and scoliosis of the lumbar spine. Some cases are associated with low-grade astrocytomas or vascular malformations of the spinal cord. Synonym(s): hydrosyringomyelia, Morvan disease. [syringo- + G. myelos, marrow]Morvan disease (mor-van′) [Augustin M. Morvan, Fr. physician, 1819–1897] A form of syringomyelia in which there are trophic changes in the extremities with slowly healing ulcers.Morvan, Augustin Marie, French physician, 1819-1897. Morvan chorea - continuous involuntary quivering of muscles at rest. Synonym(s): myokymiaMorvan disease - the presence of longitudinal cavities in the spinal cord. Synonym(s): Morvan syndrome; syringomyeliaMorvan syndrome - Synonym(s): Morvan disease |