释义 |
Lambert conformal conic map projection Lambert conformal conic map projection A conformal map projection of the so-called conical type, on which all geographic meridians are represented by straight lines that meet in a common point outside the limits of the map, and the geographic parallels are represented by a series of arcs of circles having this common point for a center. Meridians and parallels intersect at right angles, and angles on the earth are correctly represented on the projection. This projection may have one standard parallel along which the scale is held exact; or there may be two such standard parallels, both maintaining exact scale. At any point on the map, the scale is the same in every direction. It changes along the meridians and is constant along each parallel. Where there are two standard parallels, the scale between those parallels is too small; beyond them, it is too large. The straight lines plotted are approximately great circles. These are used for VFR (visual flight rules) aeronautical charts. |