orthognathic surgery

sur·gi·cal or·tho·don·tics

the correction of occlusal abnormalities by the surgical repositioning of segments of the mandible or maxillae containing one to several teeth; or the bodily repositioning of entire jaws to improve function and esthetics. Synonym(s): orthognathic surgery

orthognathic surgery

Surgery performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a craniofacial surgeon to correct conditions affecting the jaw and face related to structural defects, growth and dysgenesis, sleep apnea, TMJ disorders, malocclusion problems owing to skeletal disharmony, or other orthodontic problems which cannot be easily treated with braces.

or·thog·nath·ic sur·ger·y

(ōrthog-nathik sŭrjĕr-ē) Operative intervention to alter relationships of the dental arches and/or supporting bone.