

单词 misfeature



(ˌmɪsˈfiːtʃə) na distorted feature



/mis-fee'chr/ or /mis'fee"chr/ A feature that eventuallycauses lossage, possibly because it is not adequate for a newsituation that has evolved. Since it results from adeliberate and properly implemented feature, a misfeature isnot a bug. Nor is it a simple unforeseen side effect; theterm implies that the feature in question was carefullyplanned, but its long-term consequences were not accurately oradequately predicted (which is quite different from not havingthought ahead at all). A misfeature can be a particularlystubborn problem to resolve, because fixing it usuallyinvolves a substantial philosophical change to the structureof the system involved.

Many misfeatures (especially in user-interface design) arisebecause the designers/implementors mistake their personaltastes for laws of nature. Often a former feature becomes amisfeature because trade-offs were made whose parameterssubsequently change (possibly only in the judgment of theimplementors). "Well, yeah, it is kind of a misfeature thatfile names are limited to six characters, but the originalimplementors wanted to save directory space and we"re stuckwith it for now."




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更新时间:2025/3/4 12:37:25