

单词 lines


line 1

L0179700 (līn)n.1. Mathematics A geometric figure formed by a point moving along a fixed direction and the reverse direction.2. a. A thin continuous mark, as that made by a pen, pencil, or brush applied to a surface.b. A similar mark cut or scratched into a surface.c. A crease in the skin, especially on the face; a wrinkle.3. a. A real or imaginary mark positioned in relation to fixed points of reference.b. A degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe.c. The equator. Used with the.4. a. A border or boundary: the county line.b. A demarcation: a line of darker water beyond the reef.c. A contour or an outline: the line of the hills against the evening sky.5. a. A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour.b. Any of the marks that make up the formal design of a picture.6. a. A cable, rope, string, cord, or wire.b. Nautical A rope used aboard a ship.c. A fishing line.d. A clothesline.e. A cord or tape used, as by builders or surveyors, for measuring, leveling, or straightening.7. A pipe or system of pipes for conveying a fluid: gas lines.8. An electric-power transmission cable.9. a. A wire or system of wires connecting telephone or telegraph systems.b. An open or functioning telephone connection: tried to get a free line.10. a. A passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft, or bus, usually over a definite route.b. A company owning or managing such a system.11. a. A railway track or system of tracks.b. A particular section of a railway network: the Philadelphia-Trenton line.12. A course of progress or movement; a route: a line of flight.13. a. A general method, manner, or course of procedure: different lines of thought; took a hard line on defense.b. A manner or course of procedure determined by a specified factor: development along socialist lines.c. An official or prescribed policy: the party line.14. often lines A general concept or model: a trilogy along the lines of the Oresteia.15. a. The condition of being in proper or aligned position: Is the table in line with the sofa?b. A condition of agreement or correspondence: Your attitude is in line with mine. Is the policy in line with reality?16. a. One's trade, occupation, or field of interest: What line of work are you in?b. Range of competence: not in my line.17. Merchandise or services of a similar or related nature: carries a complete line of small tools.18. A group of persons or things arranged in a row or series: long lines at the box office; a line of stones.19. a. Ancestry or lineage.b. A series of persons, especially from one family, who succeed each other: a line of monarchs; comes from a long line of bankers.c. A strain, as of livestock or plants, developed and maintained by selective breeding.20. a. A sequence of related things that leads to a certain ending: a line of argument.b. An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.c. The personnel of an organization or a business who actually make a product or perform a service.21. A horizontal row of printed or written words or symbols.22. One of the horizontal scans forming a television image.23. A brief letter; a note: I'll drop you a line.24. a. A unit of verse ending in a visual or typographic break and generally characterized by its length and meter: a line of iambic pentameter.b. A unit of uninterrupted text spoken by an actor: spent the weekend learning her lines.25. Informal Glib or insincere talk, usually intended to deceive or impress: He kept on handing me a line about how busy he is.26. lines Chiefly British a. A marriage certificate.b. A usually specified number of lines of prose or verse to be written out by a pupil as punishment.27. Games A horizontal demarcation on a scorecard in bridge dividing the honor score from the trick score.28. a. A source of information.b. The information itself: got a line on the computer project.29. a. Music One of the five parallel marks constituting a staff.b. A sustained melodic or harmonic part in a piece: strained to hear the tenor line.30. a. A formation in which elements, such as troops, tanks, or ships, are arranged abreast of one another.b. The battle area closest to the enemy; the front.c. The combat troops or warships at the front, arrayed for defense or offense.d. The regular forces of an army or a navy, in contrast to staff and support personnel.e. The class of officers in direct command of warships or of army combat units.f. A bulwark or trench.g. An extended system of such fortifications or defenses: the Siegfried line.31. Sports a. A foul line.b. A real or imaginary mark demarcating a specified section of a playing area or field.c. A real or imaginary mark or point at which a race begins or ends.d. The center and two wings making up a hockey team's offensive unit.e. Football A line of scrimmage.f. Football The linemen considered as a group.32. Informal The odds a bookmaker gives, especially for sports events.33. The proportion of an insurance risk assumed by a particular underwriter or company.34. Slang An amount of powdered cocaine arranged in a thin, long strip for snorting.v. lined, lin·ing, lines v.tr.1. To mark, incise, or cover with a line or lines.2. To represent with lines.3. To place in a series or row.4. To form a bordering line along: Small stalls lined the alley.5. Baseball To hit (a ball) sharply so that it flies low and fast.v.intr. Baseball To hit a line drive: lined out to shortstop.Phrasal Verb: line up1. To arrange in or form a line.2. Football To take one's position in a formation before a snap or kickoff.3. To organize or make ready: lined up considerable support for the bill.4. To engage or schedule: lined up some freelance work for next month; lined up a speaker for graduation.Idioms: all along the line1. In every place.2. At every stage or moment. down the line1. All the way; throughout: Errors are to be found down the line.2. At a point or an end in the future. in line for Next in order for: in line for the presidency. on the line1. Ready or available for immediate payment.2. So as to be risked; in jeopardy: "Careers were on the line once again" (Seymour M. Hersh). out of line1. Uncalled-for; improper.2. Unruly and out of control.
[Middle English, from Old English līne and from Old French ligne, both from Latin līnea, string, cord, from feminine of līneus, of linen, from līnum, thread, linen; see lī̆no- in Indo-European roots.]

line 2

L0179700 (līn)tr.v. lined, lin·ing, lines 1. To fit a covering to the inside surface of: a coat lined with fur.2. To cover the inner surface of: Moisture lined the walls of the cave.3. To fill plentifully, as with money or food.Idiom: line (one's) pockets To make a profit, especially by illegitimate means.
[Middle English linen, from line, flax, linen cloth, from Old English līn, from Latin līnum; see lī̆no- in Indo-European roots.]


(laɪnz) pl n1. general appearance or outline: a car with fine lines. 2. a plan of procedure or construction: built on traditional lines. 3. (Theatre) a. the spoken words of a theatrical presentationb. the words of a particular role: he forgot his lines. 4. informal chiefly Brit a marriage certificate: marriage lines. 5. luck, fate, or fortune (esp in the phrase hard lines)6. (Military) a. rows of tents, buildings, temporary stabling, etc, in a military camp: transport lines. b. a defensive position, row of trenches, or other fortification: we broke through the enemy lines. 7. (Education) a. a school punishment of writing the same sentence or phrase out a specified number of timesb. the phrases or sentences so written out: a hundred lines. 8. read between the lines to understand or find an implicit meaning in addition to the obvious one


Long leather straps about an inch wide running from the horse’s (or mule’s) bridle to the driver. When a line broke, a long piece of rope was sometimes temporarily substituted for the leather line. Another temporary fix was just to tie the line together, but the permanent fix was to rivet the ends of the broken line together.


(lain) noun1. (a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc. She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line. 繩,線 绳索等2. a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe. She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line. 直線,條紋 线3. outline or shape especially relating to length or direction. The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line. 外形,線條 外形4. a groove on the skin; a wrinkle. 皺紋 条纹5. a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other. The children stood in a line; a line of trees.6. a short letter. I'll drop him a line. 短箋 短信7. a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family. a line of kings. 家族 家系8. a track or direction. He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research. 路線 路线9. the railway or a single track of the railway. Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only. 鐵路,鐵軌 铁路,铁轨 10. a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another. a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged. 線路 线路11. a row of written or printed words. The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines. (字的)一行 (字的)一行 12. a regular service of ships, aircraft etc. a shipping line. 航線 航线13. a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc. This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line. 行業 行业14. an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight. fighting in the front line. 戰線 战线 verb1. to form lines along. Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen. 排成一列 使排成一列2. to mark with lines. 用線標示 用线标示lineage (ˈliniidʒ) noun ancestry. 世系 世系linear (ˈliniə) adjective of, consisting of or like a line or lines. 直線的,線狀的 直线的,线性的 lined adjective having lines. lined paper; a lined face. 有線條的,有紋路的 有线条的,起皱纹的 ˈliner noun a ship or aircraft of a regular line or company. They sailed to America in a large liner. 客輪,班機 客轮,班机 lines noun plural the words an actor has to say. He had difficulty remembering his lines. 台詞 台词ˈlinesman (ˈlainz-) noun in sport, a judge or umpire at a boundary line. 邊線裁判員 边线裁判员,巡边员 hard lines! bad luck!. 真倒楣! 真倒霉!in line for likely to get or to be given something. He is in line for promotion. 下一個輪到 可以得到in/out of line with in or out of agreement with. His views are out of line with those of his colleagues. 與...一致,與...不一致 跟 ... 一致/跟 ... 不一致 line up1. to form a line. The children lined up ready to leave the classroom; She lined up the chairs. 排隊 排队2. to collect and arrange in readiness. We've lined up several interesting guests to appear on the programme (noun ˈline-up). 組織,邀集 组织,邀集 read between the lines to understand something (from a piece of writing etc) which is not actually stated. 領悟出箇中含意 体会言外之意



1. A series of words, as in a conversation, poem, song, etc. He fed the reporters some line about being dedicated to the average worker, but we all know that's a lie. Our songs are really collaborative efforts, and we usually toss lines back and forth to see what fits the song best.2. slang A line of a powdered drug, especially cocaine, meant to be inhaled through one's nose. I walked in to find them snorting lines of coke off our living room table. I started out doing a line or two in the morning to help pick me up for work, but then I slowly found myself needing to keep doing throughout the day.


n. words; conversation. (see also line.) We tossed some lines back and forth for a while and then split. See also: line



[līnz] (naval architecture) The outline of a ship, either as projected onto one of three perpendicular planes or as viewed visually. Also known as ship's lines.


[līnz] (genetics) long interspersed elements



the contours of the outer surface of a vessel’s hull. They are depicted graphically by the lines drawing plan of the vessel. The shape of the lines affects the water resistance to the vessel’s motion, the operating conditions of the engines, the vessel’s ability to mount waves, its icebreaking performance and seaworthiness, and other service characteristics. The lines of water-displacing vessels show the shape of the bow and stern frames (U-shaped and V-shaped), and the sharpness of the lines indicates the block coefficient (the ratio of the submerged volume of the vessel’s hull to the volume of a parallelepiped having the same overall dimensions). The optimum lines are determined by model tests of a vessel in an experimental pool. Slow-speed vessels and those that are not self-propelled can have bluff lines (simplified lines formed by flat surfaces).



Abbreviation for long interspersed elements , under element.

Patient discussion about LINES

Q. My vision is blurry and I see zigzag lines, what is it from? Every now and again, usually after sitting a few hours in front of the computer or not sleeping enough at night, I start getting blurry vision. I see zigzag lines in front of my eyes and it can take sometimes an hour to go away. What is this from?A. It sounds like you have a migraine. A migraine that comes with blurry vision and zigzags (an aura) is called a classic migraine. The aura of migraine typically lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. Some patients have prolonged aura symptoms that can last hours to days. The aura also typically ends before the headache itself begins. When migraine aura symptoms are prolonged or last into or through the headache phase these types of migraine are commonly referred to as complicated migraines.

Q. what is the red line when your body temperature drops before you are getting hypothermia? A. Hypothermia is a condition in which an organism's temperature drops below that required for normal metabolism and function. For people in stage 1 hypethermia, body temperature drops by 1-2°C below normal temperature (35-36°C). Mild to strong shivering occurs. In stage 2, body temperature drops by 2-4°C (35-33 degrees). Shivering becomes more violent. Muscle mis-coordination becomes apparent and movements are slow and labored and there is mild confusuin. In stage 3, body temperature drops below approximately 32 °C (89.6 °F). Shivering usually stops and there's difficulty speaking, sluggish thinking, and amnesia start to appear. Cellular metabolic processes shut down. This is life threatening.

Q. can i get lung cancer from second hand smoking? what is the red line amount? how long do i need to expose to a smoking environment before i risk lung cancer ?A. Yes, second hand (or passive) smoking is indeed a risk factor for lung cancer. How much? It depends both on the environment of the passive smoking (e.g. to how many smokers one is exposed) and on genetic factors. Don't know about threshold, but it seems that the more you avoid it the better.

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