Lake Tawakoni State Park

Lake Tawakoni State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Texas
Location:From Wills Point, 6 miles north on Highway 47, then left on County Road 2475 for 4 miles.
Facilities:Campsites with water and electricity hookups, group camp, restrooms, showers, picnic areas, hiking trails, bike trails, beach, boat ramp.
Activities:Camping, boating, swimming, fishing, hiking, biking.
Special Features:Park is located beside Lake Tawakoni, a 36,700-acre reservoir on the headwaters of the Sabine River. The terrain consists mostly of upland regrowth with post oak woodlands and includes a small tract of tallgrass prairie.
Address:c/o Purtis Creek State Park
10822 FM 2475
Wills Point 75169, TX 75124

Size: 376 acres.

See other parks in Texas.