

单词 nif



(communications) noise improvement factor



See: Note issuance facility

Note Issuance Facility

An agreement by a syndicate of banks to buy short- and/or medium-term notes from an issuer in the event that it is unable to sell the notes on eurocurrency markets. This effectively provides credit for the issuer because, even if the issuer cannot place an issue, it will still be able to raise the funds it seeks. A note issuance facility thereby reduces the risk to an issuer of short- and medium-term debt securities.


NIFNational Ignition Facility
NIFNATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Industry Forum
NIFNorges Idrettsforbund (Norwegian sports organization)
NIFNew Israel Fund
NIFNumero de Identificación Fiscal (Spain)
NIFNational Islamic Front (Sudan)
NIFNetwork Information File
NIFNeighborhood Information Frame
NIFNational Innovation Foundation (India)
NIFNational Issues Forum (various locations)
NIFNeuroscience Information Framework (neuroscience resources network)
NIFNote Issuance Facility
NIFNCOIC (Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium) Interoperability Framework
NIFNegative Inspiratory Force
NIFNational Immigration Forum
NIFNational Insurance Fund (Great Britain)
NIFNational Investment Fund (Poland)
NIFNeighborhood Investment Fund (various organizations)
NIFNetImmerse File
NIFNewsletter on Intellectual Freedom (American Library Association)
NIFNotation Interchange File
NIFNorth Island Facilities Ltd. (Manhasset, NY)
NIFNot In File
NIFNavy Industrial Fund
NIFNo- Image Forming (light)
NIFNon-Invasive Flow Study
NIFNeighbor Information Frame (FDDI)
NIFNon-Instructional Faculty (various organizations)
NIFNetwork Integration Facility
NIFNetwork Interface Function
NIFNeutral International Force (in Rwanda)
NIFNordic Industrial Fund (Denmark)
NIFNetwork Initialization File
NIFNavy Inactive Fleet
NIFNative IP Forwarding
NIFNATO Interoperability Framework
NIFNational Iota Foundation
NIFNoise Improvement Factor
NIFNetwork Information Flow
NIFNATO Interface Facility
NIFNon-Industrial Facilities
NIFNuclear Information File
NIFNo Indirect Fire
NIFNot Industrially Funded
NIFNorges Sivilingeniorers Forening
NIFNever In Field
NIFNo Intelligent Friends




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更新时间:2025/3/20 13:46:20