Lake Oroville State Recreation Area

Lake Oroville State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:7 miles east of Oroville via Highway 162.
Facilities:More than 200 family campsites (with and without hookups), overnightsites for self-contained vehicles, 6 group sites, a horsecamp with 15campsites, 10 floating campsites for people with their own boats, 6areas designated for boat-in camping, restrooms and showers, 2 marinas,boat launch ramps, snack bars, boat rentals, boat mooring, picnic areas(including designated sites for boaters), swimming beaches, hiking andhorseback trails, nature trails, fish hatchery with underwater viewingwindows, visitor center complex with displays and a 47-foot viewingtower (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, sailing and power boating, swimming, water-skiing,windsurfing, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, hunting (withrestrictions).
Special Features:Lake Oroville is the largest state water facility in northernCalifornia. It is primarily a boater's park, with 167 miles ofshoreline and more than 15,500 surface acres. The lake was created byconstruction of the Oroville Dam, at 770 feet the nation's tallestearthen dam. One arm of the lake reaches to within 0.25 miles of640-foot Feather Falls, one of the highest waterfalls in North America.
Address:c/o Northern Buttes District Office
400 Glen Dr
Oroville, CA 95966

Size: 29,447 acres.

See other parks in California.