Lake Metigoshe State Park
Lake Metigoshe State Park
Location:14 miles northeast of Bottineau, along the US-Canadian border.
Facilities:130 modern campsites, electrical hookups, showers, primitive campsites,rental cabins, group dormitories, kitchen and meeting facilities,picnic areas, picnic shelters, playground, boat ramp, canoe rentals,trails, ski and snowshoe rentals.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, hiking, cross-country skiing, ice skating, sledding, ice fishing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Nestled in the Turtle Mountains on the shores of Lake Metigoshe, thispark is one of the most popular year-round vacation spots in NorthDakota. Snowmobile trails within the park connect with more than 250miles of groomed trails throughout the mountains. The Old Oak Trail, aNational Recreation Trail, is located within park boundaries. Ecology,conservation, and outdoor recreation programs are offered at the park'sTurtle Mountain Environmental Learning Center.
Address:2 Lake Metigoshe State Park
Bottineau, ND 58318
Size: 1,551 acres.
See other parks in North Dakota.