

单词 nbc



abbreviation for 1. (Broadcasting) (in the US) National Broadcasting Company 2. (Military) (of weapons or warfare) nuclear, biological, and chemical


National Broadcasting Company (a television network).



Abbr. for National Building Code. NBFU Abbr. for “National Board of Fire Underwriters.”



Abbreviation for nuclear, biologic, chemical, as types of mass-casualty weapons.



The common abbreviation for the National Broadcasting Company, which was the first major broadcasting network in the United States. NBC launched as a radio network in 1926 and began television broadcasts in 1938 (it ended its radio component in 2003). With a market share of more than 40% of the viewing audience, it is very popular among advertisers who wish to disseminate their messages to as wide a group as possible.


NBCNational Broadcasting Company (US radio and TV network)
NBCNuclear, Biological and Chemical (US DoD)
NBCNational Bank of Canada
NBCNightmare Before Christmas (movie)
NBCNational Business Center (US Department of the Interior)
NBCNight Before Christmas
NBCNorthern Burlington County (New Jersey)
NBCNational Building Code (Canada)
NBCNew Business Centre (various locations)
NBCNational Board Certification (teachers)
NBCNational Broadcasting Commission (Nigeria and Thailand)
NBCNagasaki Broadcasting Company (Japan)
NBCNational Ballet of Canada
NBCNazarene Bible College
NBCNew Beginnings Church (various locations)
NBCNorthern Bedford County
NBCNational Broadcasting Corporation (Papua New Guinea)
NBCNational Bank of Commerce
NBCNorthampton Borough Council (UK)
NBCNew Business Coordinator (various companies)
NBCNon Backwards Compatible
NBCNational Broadcasting Company
NBCNew Basic Concept
NBCNigerian Bottling Company
NBCNorthwest Bible Church
NBCNorth Bend Central (Nebraska)
NBCNamibian Broadcasting Corporation
NBCNaive Bayes Classifiers (algorithms)
NBCNational Benefits Center (USCIS/DHS)
NBCNew Beverly Cinema (LA Revival Theatre)
NBCNazareth Baptist Church
NBCNeal Blaisdell Center (Honolulu, HI)
NBCNational Blood Centre (various locations)
NBCNational Baptist Convention USA, Inc.
NBCNarragansett Bay Commission (Providence, RI)
NBCNational Biscuit Company
NBCNational Business Corporation (computers)
NBCNorthside Baptist Church (Charlotte, NC)
NBCNew Born Child
NBCNigerian Broadcasting Commission (regulatory group)
NBCNetwork-Based Communication
NBCNothing but Communism
NBCNewcastle Borough Council (UK)
NBCNo Body Cares
NBCNon-Backward Compatible
NBCNordic Baltic Conference
NBCNortheast Biodefense Center
NBCNational Broiler Council
NBCNaberevnye Chelny (Russia)
NBCNational Battlefields Commission (Canada)
NBCNational Bioenergy Center
NBCNuclear, Biological and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle
NBCNet Bank Credit
NBCNelson Bostock Communications (London, UK)
NBCNational Benevolent Charity (UK)
NBCNo Bar Code (FedEx)
NBCNaval Base Commander
NBCNew Business Committee
NBCNatural Building Colloquium (conference)
NBCNetwork Business Center
NBCNational Bank of California
NBCNational Burns Collection (Scotland, UK)
NBCNational Bridge Conference
NBCNatural Binary Code
NBCNothing But Coffee
NBCNothing But Caucasians (Mad TV)
NBCNet Borrowing Cost
NBCNo Benghazi Coverage
NBCNo Bloody Clue
NBCNies Babylonian Collection
NBCNational Bird Control (Seattle, Washington)
NBCNorthern Baptist College (UK)
NBCNederlandse Basis-Classificatie
NBCNonbattle Casualty
NBCNatural Boundary Condition (physics)
NBCNorth Boulder Cafe
NBCNet Battery Current
NBCNational Budgeting Conference
NBCNashville Bowling Center
NBCNational Builders Control, Inc. (Alhambra, California)
NBCNew Bavarian Conspiracy
NBCNorthwestern Boating Council
NBCNavnat Bridge Club
NBCNewtown Business Center
NBCNewent Bridge Club (UK)
NBCNorthampton Bridge Club (Northampton, MA)
NBCNewtown Boating Center
NBCNo Ball Carrier
NBCNorthstar Battery Company (Springfield, MO)




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更新时间:2025/3/12 13:53:11