

 [den´drīt] any of the threadlike extensions of the cytoplasm of a neuron; they typically branch into treelike processes, and compose most of the receptive surface of a neuron.Dendrites in a multipolar neuron. From Dorland's, 2000.


(den'drīt), 1. One of the two types of branching protoplasmic processes of the nerve cell (the other being the axon). Synonym(s): dendritic process, dendron, neurodendrite, neurodendron2. A crystalline treelike structure formed during the freezing of an alloy. [G. dendritēs, relating to a tree]


(den'drīt) 1. One of the two types of branching protoplasmic processes of the nerve cell (the other being the axon).
Synonym(s): dendritic process, dendron, neurodendrite.
2. A crystalline treelike structure formed during the freezing of an alloy. [G. dendritēs, relating to a tree]


(den'drīt) 1. One of the two types of branching protoplasmic processes of the nerve cell.
Synonym(s): neurodendrite.
2. A crystalline treelike structure formed during the freezing of an alloy. [G. dendritēs, relating to a tree]