

(nū'rō-bōr-rel'ē-ō'sis), Inflammation or disease caused by infection of the central nervous system by a member of the genus Borrelia. It is frequently a late stage in the disease process, particularly in immunosuppressed people, such as those suffering from AIDS.


Lyme encephalopathy, Lyme meningoencephalitis Neurology CNS response to Borrelia burgdorferi; it is more common in adults in the 5th decade Incubation 7 wks, adults, 4 wks, children Clinical Radiculoneuritis-type pain–severe, burning, migratory, worse at night, hyperesthetic; other findings include cranial nerve palsy, meningoencephalitis, cerebral vasculitis, meningitis, peripheral neuropathy, encephalomyelitis Psychiatry Anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, hallucinations, déjà vu sensation, obsessions, anorexia