释义 |
neuro-(word root) nerveExamples of words with the root neuro-: neurobiologyneuro- or neur-pref.1. Nerve: neuroblast.2. Neural: neuropathology. [Greek, sinew, string, from neuron; see (s)neəu- in Indo-European roots.]neuro- or before a vowel neur-combining form (Medicine) indicating a nerve or the nervous system: neuroblast; neurology. [from Greek neuron nerve; related to Latin nervus]neuro- a combining form meaning “nerve,” “nerves,” “nervous system”: neurology. Also, esp. before a vowel,neur-.[< Greek]Translationsneuro-
neur- , neuri-neuro-Nerve, nerve tissue, the nervous system. [G. neuron] neuro- Combining form meaning nerve, nerve tissue, the nervous system. neuro-, neuri-, neuro- [Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew] Prefixes meaning nerve, nervous tissue, nervous system.NEURO-
Acronym | Definition |
NEURO-➣Nerve (Prefix) |