Oliver Reservoir State Recreation Area

Oliver Reservoir State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nebraska
Location:10 miles west of Kimball on US 30.
Facilities:175 campsites (75 are camping pads), drinking water, vault toilets,picnic areas, 2 picnic shelters with electricity, 2 boat ramps, 8docks, swimming beach, bathhouses.
Activities:Camping, boating (all types; some restrictions), fishing, swimming, water-skiing, hiking, hunting.
Special Features:Oliver Reservoir is the only water-based recreational facility in thesouthwest Panhandle of Nebraska. The reservoir is a two-level lake thatsupports both cold water and warm water species, including walleye,yellow perch, largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill, and limitednumbers of rainbow trout. The south side of the lake is maintained in aprimitive state for hiking, hunting, and fishing.
Address:210615 Hwy 71
Gering, NE 69341

Web: www.ngpc.state.ne.us/parks/guides/parksearch/findpark.asp
Size: 917 acres land; 270 acres water.

See other parks in Nebraska.