Murmansk Fish Combine
Murmansk Fish Combine
one of the largest fish-processing enterprises in the USSR and the largest in the European North.
In 1925 construction of a base of the Soviet fishing fleet was begun in Murmansk. The first moorages, as well as the pickling and medicinal oil plants, went into operation in 1927. In 1932 the fish combine was established as an independent enterprise. Large refrigeration, canning, and fish smoking plants were built and began to process fish products before the Great Patriotic War (1941–45). Among the plants opened in the postwar years were a refrigeration plant, a fish meal and fish-processing plant, and a plant for the manufacture of tin containers. Modern technological equipment for mechanized dressing of fish, refrigeration, salting, smoking, and canning has been installed.
The combine processes fish caught in nearby waters and in the ocean. In 1973 it produced about 100,000 tons of fish products and as many as 400 items, including fillets, hot- and cold-smoked fish, canned and preserved fish, medicinal oil, and fish meal. The combine is producing an increasing volume and variety of delicatessen products, fillets, and other fish goods. Part of the output is exported.