Linear Network Synthesis

Linear Network Synthesis


the operation of designing a linear electric network—that is, determining the structure of the network and the parameters of the elements from which the network must be assembled—in accordance with properties or characteristics prescribed for it. In general, the synthesis problem is divided into three stages: (1) the determination of the necessary and sufficient conditions that must be satisfied by functions expressing the chacteristics of practicable networks (that is, the conditions for the physical realizability of the networks); (2) the approximation of a given function, with sufficient accuracy, by a function for a physically realizable network or the verification of the physical realizability of the given function; and (3) the realization of the function in the form of one or more feasible networks.

A distinction is made between the synthesis of passive and active networks, between the synthesis of networks with losses and networks without losses (reactance losses), between the synthesis of two-terminal, four-terminal, and multiterminal networks, and between the synthesis based on frequency responses given (graphically or analytically), time characteristics, and transfer functions. Linear network synthesis is employed when designing complicated filters, equilizers, and other devices in, for example, electrical engineering, radio engineering, and automation. (See alsoLINEAR SYSTEMS.)


Kochanov, N. S. Osnovy sinteza lineinykh elektrkhes-kikh tsepei vo vremennoi oblasti. Moscow, 1967.
Guillemin, E. A. Sintez passivnykh tsepei, Moscow, 1970. (Translated from English.)
Kami, S. Teoriia tsepei: Analiz i sintez. Moscow, 1973. (Translated from English.)