Lake Fausse Pointe State Park

Lake Fausse Pointe State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Louisiana
Location:Off the West Atchafalaya Protection Levee Road, 18 miles southeast of Saint Martinville, in Iberia Parish.
Facilities:17 premium campsites (all prime location campsites, with water andelectrical hookup), 33 improved campsites, 5 uimproved campsites,primitive camping area, comfort stations, 16 cabins (3 @di), picnicareas, picnic pavilions, playground, nature trails, canoe trail, boatlaunch, boat dock, boat rentals, meeting room, visitor center, nature center.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, hiking, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park lies at the edge of one of the legendary features of Cajun Louisiana, the Atchafalaya Basin. Prior to the 20th century, the Basin was a vast swamp enclosed by the natural levees of Bayou Teche and the Mississippi River. The area surrounding the park was formerly the home site of the Chitimacha Indians, French and Acadian farmers and trappers, Spaniards, and Canary Islanders (called Isleños), each group contributing to the cultural diversity of this section of Louisiana.
Address:5400 Levee Rd
Saint Martinville, LA 70582

Phone: 888-677-7200;
Size: 6,127 acres.

See other parks in Louisiana.