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mesotendineum mesotendon [mez″o-ten´don] the connective tissue sheath attaching a tendon to its fibrous sheath.mes·o·ten·don (mez'ō-ten'don), [TA] The synovial layers that pass from a tendon to the wall of a tendon sheath in certain places where tendons lie within osteofibrous canals. In most instances, the mesotendon degenerates, leaving only the vinculae. Synonym(s): mesotendineum [TA]mes·o·ten·don (mez'ō-ten'don) [TA] The synovial layers that pass from a tendon to the wall of a tendon sheath in certain places where tendons lie within osteofibrous canals. In most instances, the mesotendon degenerates, leaving only the vincula. Synonym(s): mesotendineum. |