

 [sta´tus, stat´us] (L.) state, particularly in reference to a morbid condition.absence status sustained clouding of consciousness for several hours, with no interval of normal mental activity, and with few stereotyped movements or no abnormal motor activity.status asthma´ticus a particularly severe episode of asthma that does not respond adequately to ordinary therapeutic measures and usually requires hospitalization.status epilep´ticus rapid succession of epileptic spasms without intervals of consciousness; brain damage may result.status lympha´ticus lymphatism.performance status ability of a patient to function, as measured by a scale" >performance scale.status thymicolympha´ticus a condition resembling lymphatism, with enlargement of lymphadenoid tissue and of the thymus as the special influencing factor; formerly thought to be the cause of sudden death in children.status verruco´sus a wartlike appearance of the cerebral cortex, produced by disorderly arrangement of the neuroblasts, so that the formation of fissures and sulci is irregular and unpredictable.status (omaha) in the omaha system, the condition of the client in relation to objective and subjective defining characteristics.