Lake Carmi State Park

Lake Carmi State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Vermont
Location:From Enosburg Falls, go 3 miles west on Highway 105, then 3 miles north on VT 236.
Facilities:175 campsites (35 with lean-tos), hot showers, 2 cabins, picnic areas, beach, snack bar, boat rentals.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming.
Special Features:Most of Vermont's largest peat bog (140 acres) lies within Lake Carmi State Park and is a designated State Natural Area. High ground on which camping area "B" is built would be an island if not for the bog.
Address:460 Marsh Farm Rd
Enosburg Falls, VT 05450

Size: 482 acres.

See other parks in Vermont.