Lajos Fekete
Fekete, Lajos
Born Oct. 22, 1891; died May 16, 1969. Hungarian Turcologist specializing in Turkish history, paleography, diplomacy, and archaeology. Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1946). Professor at the University of Budapest beginning in 1940.
Fekete made an extensive study of Turkish and Hungarian archives and helped develop the first systematic method of reading and classifying Turkish archival documents. His works constitute a basic guide to Turkish paleography for scholars in Europe and Turkey. Fekete was awarded the Kossuth Prize.
Einführung in die osmanisch-tiirkische Diplomatik der türkischen Botmässigkeit in Ungarn. Budapest, 1926.“Über Archivalien und Archivwesen in der Turkei.” Acta orientalia hungarica, 1953, vol. 3, issue 3.
In Russian translation:
“Torgovlia v Bude v period turetskogo gospodstva vo vtoroi pol. XVI v.” In Vostochnye istochnikipo istorii narodov Iugo-Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Evropy, vol. 1. Moscow, 1964.