an urban-type settlement in L’vov Oblast, Ukrainian SSR, 12 km from Stryi and 82 km from L’vov. Under the jurisdiction of the Stryi city soviet. Railroad station (Mor-shin) on the Stryi-Ivano-Frankovsk line.
Morshin is a balneological resort located in the foothills of the Carpathians. There are warm summers (average July temperature 18°C) and moderately mild winters (average January temperature —4°C). Therapeutic remedies include drinking and bathing in sulfur-sodium-magnesium chloride, sodium-chloride, sulfur-chloride, and calcium-sodium waters from mineral springs. There are peat mud baths and ozocerite treatments. Patients with digestive problems are treated. Morshin has sanatoriums, a bath, a peat and mineral treatment clinic, and drinking pump rooms.