

单词 morse code

Morse code

Morse code

n. Any of several codes used for transmitting messages in which letters of the alphabet and numbers are represented by various sequences of dots and dashes or short and long signals, especially the international Morse code.
[After Samuel Finley Breese Morse.]

Morse code

n (Telecommunications) a telegraph code formerly used internationally for transmitting messages; it was superseded by satellite technology (the Global Marine Distress and Safety System) in 1999. Letters, numbers, etc, are represented by groups of shorter dots and longer dashes, or by groups of the corresponding sounds, dits and dahs, the groups being separated by spaces. Also called: international Morse code [C19: named after Samuel Morse]

Morse′ code′

n. either of two systems of clicks and pauses, short and long sounds, or flashes of light, used to represent letters, numerals, etc.: now used primarily in radiotelegraphy by ham operators. Also called Morse′ al′phabet. [1830–40; after S.French.B. Morse]

Morse Code

Code invented by Samuel Morse for transmitting telegraph messages in 1791–1872. He erected the first telegraph line between Washington and Baltimore in 1844.
Noun1.Morse Code - a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long signals)Morse code - a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long signals)international Morse code, Morsecode - a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecydit, dot - the shorter of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse codedah, dash - the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code

Morse Code


Morse code

See also: Morse Code (table)Morse Code

International Morse Code
A · –
B – · · ·
C – · – ·
D – · ·
E ·
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Morse code

[for S. F. B. MorseMorse, Samuel Finley Breese,
1791–1872, American inventor and artist, b. Charlestown, Mass., grad. Yale, 1810. He studied painting in England under Washington Allston and achieved some success.
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], the arbitrary set of signals used on the telegraphtelegraph,
term originally applied to any device or system for distant communication by means of visible or audible signals, now commonly restricted to electrically operated devices. Attempts at long-distance communication date back thousands of years (see signaling).
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 (see codecode,
in communications, set of symbols and rules for their manipulation by which the symbols can be made to carry information. By this extended definition all written and spoken languages are codes.
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). It may also be used with a flash lamp for visible signalingsignaling,
transmission of information by visible, audible, or other detectable means. Since prehistoric times humans have sought and employed ever more effective means of communicating over distance. Signal fires on mountain tops announced awaited events.
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. The international (or continental) Morse code is a simplified form generally used in radio telegraphy. The American Morse differs from the international Morse in 11 letters, in all the numerals except the numeral 4, and in the punctuation code. The unit of the code is the dot, representing a very brief depression of the telegraph key. The dash represents a depression lasting three times as long as a dot. Between the depressions there is a pause equal in time to one dot, except in a few letters and signs, when there is a wait of two dots. The pause between letters in a word lasts as long as one dash, between words it lasts as long as two dashes. The International Morse code is shown in the table entitled Morse CodeMorse Code

International Morse Code
A · –
B – · · ·
C – · – ·
D – · ·
E ·
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. Morse code is now mainly used by amateur (ham) radio operators. The U.S. Coast Guard stopped monitoring Morse code transmissions in 1995 when their use in sending distress calls had been almost entirely superseded by automated systems using satellite relay.

Morse Code


a nonuniform telegraph code in which each symbol is expressed by a combination of pulses of electric current. Each combination consists of elementary (shortest) pulses, or dots, and pulses of triple duration, or dashes. The code was developed in 1837 by S. Morse for use in his telegraph apparatus.

Morse code

[′mȯrs ′kōd] (communications) A telegraph code for manual operating, consisting of short (dot) and long (dash) signals and various-length spaces; now used only for wire telegraphy. Also known as American Morse code. Collective term for Morse code (American Morse code) and continental code (International Morse code).

Morse code

(communications)A coding system invented by Samuel A. Morse,for use in sending character data over extremely low-qualitypathways -- such as telegraphs and low-quality radio. Morsecode expresses characters as pulses of different durations.Short signals are called "dots" and long signals are calles"dashes". The coding assigns shorter sequences to the mostfrequently used characters.

American Morse code is the first and original Morse codecharacter set. Character sets adapted to other languageswere developed later.

American Morse Code:

A . __ J . . S . . . 1 . __ __ .B __ . . . K __ . __ T __ 2 . . __ . .C . . . L ___ U . . __ 3 . . . __ .D __ . . M __ __ V . . . __ 4 . . . . __E . N __ . W . __ __ 5 __ __ __F . __ . O . . X . __ . . 6 . . . . . .G __ __ . P . . . . . Y . . . . 7 __ __ . .H . . . . Q . . __ . Z . . . . 8 __ . . . .I . . R . . . 0 ____ 9 __ . . __

Where . is a short pulse, __ a long pulse, ___ a very longpulse and ____ a extra long pulse. There are also long andshort spaces character-internal. Intercharacter spaces arevery long and interword spaces are extra long. There is nostandarisation in these durations, and they vary depending onthe coder's preference and on the quality of the line.

Continental Morse Code or International Morse Code is a widelyused de-facto standard. This table summarises the WesternEuropean usage of Continental Morse Code:

A .- G --. M -- S ... Y -.-- 4 ....-B -... H .... N -. T - Z --.. 5 .....C -.-. I .. O --- U ..- 0 ----- 6 -....D -.. J .--- P .--. V ...- 1 .---- 7 --...E . K -.- Q --.- W .-- 2 ..--- 8 ---..F ..-. L .-.. R .-. X -..- 3 ...-- 9 ----.

A-umlaut (1) .-.- E-acute ..-..A-acute .--.- N-tilde --.--A-corona (11) .--.- O-umlaut (1) ---.CH (2) ---- U-umlaut (1) ..--

Punctuation Marks: Other Signs:

period .-.-.- warning .-..-comma --..-- error ........question mark ..--.. repetition (ii ii) .. ..hyphen -....- wait (AS) .-...colon (3) ---... interruption (BK) -...-.-underline (4) ..--.- understood (VE) ...-.apostrophe .----. transmission received (R) .-.quotation mark .-..-. beginning of message (KA) -.-.-parenthesis open (5)-.--. end of message (AR) .-.-.parenthesis (close) -.--.- end of transmission (K) (6) -.-equal sign (7) -...- end of transmission (KN) (8) -.--.plus sign .-.-. closing mark (SK) (9) ...-.-multiplication sign -..- closing station (CL) -.-..-.fraction mark -..-.separator (10) .-..-

(1) Note: 'umlaut' is also known as 'diaeresis'(2) Used only in German; not in Dutch.(3) also: 'divided by'(4) before and after the word to be underlined(5) purportedly replaced by -.--.- for both "(" and ")"(6) both and invitation to any station to start transmission(7) also used as spacing between parts of transmission(8) also an invitation to one station in particular to starttransmission(9) connection will be closed.(10) in fractions, for example.(11) A-ring ?

Where '.' is a short pulse, '-' a long one. A '-' is threetimes as long as a '.'; character-internal spaces are as longas '.'s. Intercharacter space are as long as -'s. Spacesbetween words are as long as seven '.'s.

Morse code

A character code invented by Samuel Morse that is represented by the duration of a single tone. Written as dots, dashes and spaces, the first Morse code message was sent in 1844 over a newly constructed telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington. In World War II, Morse code was sent by light signals. A variation of the original was made by Friedrich Gerke in 1848, which evolved into the International Morse Code.

Dits and Dahs - Actually Hear Them!
The code was based on English; E and T being the most frequently used letters, hence one dot was assigned to E and one dash for T (see table below). Dots and dashes are vocalized as "dit" and "dah," and the timing is one dit between each dit and dah, three dits between letters and seven dits between words. To hear an audible translation in Morse code of any text, visit http://morsecode.scphillips.com. Try catching the rhythm.

Morse Code Beat Out Texting
In 2007, Tonight Show host Jay Leno posed a speed challenge. Given the secret message at the same time "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance," the Morse code operator tapped all the words to his colleague across the stage before the young texter could finish typing the sentence. See Gmail Tap and telegraph.

International Morse Code A .- U ..- B -... V ...- C -.-. W .-- D -.. X -..- E . Y -.-- Z --.. F ..-. G --. 0 ----- H .... 1 .---- I .. 2 ..--- J .--- 3 ...-- 4 ....- K -.- 5 ..... L .-.. 6 -.... M -- 7 --... N -. 8 ---.. O --- 9 ----. P .--. Period .-.-.- Q --.- Comma --..-- R .-. ? Mark ..--.. S ... Hyphen -....- T - Apostrophe .----. Colon ---... U ..- Quotation .-..-. V ...- Slash -..-. W .-- @ sign .--.-. X -..- Y -.-- Z --..
AcronymsSeemad cow

Morse code

  • noun

Synonyms for Morse code

noun a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long signals)


  • international Morse code
  • Morse

Related Words

  • code
  • dit
  • dot
  • dah
  • dash




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