Bethlehem Chapel

Bethlehem Chapel


(Czech, Betlemska Kaple), chapel in Prague founded in 1391, which at the beginning of the 15th century became the cradle of the Czech nationalist movement, thanks to the sermons of J. Hus. With the beginning of the Hussite Wars (1419-34) the Bethlehem Chapel began to lose its importance as the movement’s center, but it remained in Protestant hands right up until the 17th century. After the defeat of the Czechs in 1620 at the Battle of Bila Hora the Bethlehem Chapel was handed over to the Jesuits. In 1786 most of it was destroyed, but during the years 1948-54 it was restored to its original form and is now a museum.


Kubiček, A. Betlémská kaple. Prague, 1953.