Massey, Gerald

Massey, Gerald (1828–1907)

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Gerald Massey was a popular poet and writer who lost much of his popularity when he endorsed Spiritualism. In his volume of poetry A Tale of Eternity, he dealt at length with his experiences in a haunted house. He said, “For the truth’s sake I ought to explain that the spiritualism to be found in my poetry is no delusive idealism, derived from hereditary belief in a resurrection of the dead. My faith in the future life is founded upon facts in nature and realities of my own personal experience … they have given me proof palpable that our very own human identity and intelligence do persist after the blind of darkness has been drawn down in death.”

When Emma Hardinge Britten left England for Australia, there was a large gathering at which Gerald Massey presided. His speech, with some later additions, was published under the title Concerning Spiritualism.


Fodor, Nandor: Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. London: Arthurs Press, 1933